Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Season 4

Season 4: CPKamp
A whole new generation.

The Cast

Serfio (Hornet): Serfio, also known as Stickie, was the winner of Season 4. He has been one of the most active of the season's contenders, and many were happy to see him win. Stickie is a great friend to many, he was a very old friend to many of the CPSkoolers, and just happened to find us on the internet almost 2 years later. Stickie was a season favorite since the beginning, for being an active chatter, good friend, and a strong competitor. He and his allies (Chilly98656, Musawinx1, and Slidoo) successfully made it to the final 4. He beat his ally, Chilly98656, at the finale challenge, crowning him the 4th winner of CPSkool.
Chilly98656 (Firefly): Chilly was a very successful player in CPKamp. She reminded us of past contestants (Sand Flipper, Penny Mickey, Guitarking97) by dominating challenge after challenge. She sailed her way to the Final 5, with ease. She won more challenges in CPKamp then anyone else on her team. She was a valuable player and was extremely deserving of a spot in the finals. Not many people know that she had signed up for CPCollege, and was cut at the castings. In fact, the final spot in CPCollege was between her and her best friend, Liaxis, who ended up reaching 5th place in Season 3. Chilly was defeated at the finale, by Stickie408. Therefore, she is the runner-up of Season 4.

Slidoo (Firefly): Slidoo was an extremely interesting prospect of Season 4. He clearly has a lot of experience with gameshows, as he is a winner of another club penguin gameshow. He was a very active player, and he frequently visited chat. He has a lot of fans on his website and twitter, many people had their eye on him throughout CPKamp. He is one of those people that you really don't come accross often, and many were excited to see him make it all the way to the Final 3. Slidoo was eliminated when Chilly98656 won the Final 3 challenge, and chose to take Serfio to the finals with her. Slidoo fealt betrayed, but this is a gameshow, and someone always has to go.
Musawinx1 (Hornet): Musa was easily the a Season 4 favorite. She won a public poll, that asked the audience who they wanted to see win, by a landslide. Musa was not only a fierce competitor but also a fierce friend. She is one of the few players that never had her head on the chopping block. Soon into the game, she made many of lasting friendship with her allies (Serfio, Chilly98656, and Slidoo) but built a really strong friendship with Pikachu2rock. They successfully made the Final 5. Musa was sadly eliminated at the Final 4, when the timed challenge completed, she lost by less than half of a second. She will forever be remembered as one of the favorite CPSkoolers.
Pikachu2rock (Hornet): Pika a.k.a. Artist, surprised many when she reached the Semi-Finals. She was the season's underdog, similar to some contestants in the past (Buges, Waddlecool12, Liaxis) Artist was a well-known chatter and supporter of CPSkool before this season, some think this could have given her an advantage, becasue most of Season 4's cast were completely new to CPSkool. Artist is also a really nice person, like many of the other players this season, there were a lot of people that were happy to see her get so far. Pika was eliminated at the Final 5 when the challenge decided the eliminated contestant.

Sebastian7 (Firefly): Sebastian is also a longterm friend of CPSkool. He has always been a part of the community, but Season 4 was the first time he signed up. Seb was one of the easiest picks of the season. He disappointed many people when he reached the top 6, and then decided to quit. Not only did he get eliminated the week before the Final 5, but has not been seen since. Sebastian will be missed greatly.
Mini Chew279 (Hornet): Better known as Alexa, she made an impact on CPKamp. Alexa was a strong competitor since the beginning, and she doesn't realize how many people thought she would make it very far in the competition. She was a great addition and thankfully, she hasn't left CPSkool after her elimination like many have done in the past. Lex also got on the same team as one of her best friends, Andre (Ty Waddles). She is active on CPSkool's chat and several others. She was eliminated at the top 7, when the contestants voted. Possibly, because she was a threat.

Firestar9003 (Firefly): Firestar was close friends with many of the CPSkoolers before CPSkool even started, but strangely disappeared. He came back just in time for CPKamp and signed up. Luckily he was chosen to join this season. Fire, was a good competitor, and he would have made the merge if he hadn't made the decision he mad at the top 8 challenge. At the challenge there was a fight involving Xat powers, that caused some players' computers to freeze. He was enraged when he was asked to remove his powers for the challenge, and said he didn't even care about CPSkool. Obviously, he was voted off after the challenge.
Purplespears (Firefly): Purple had signed up for Season 3, CPCollege, and was not chosen as a player. When Season 4 started, Matbolabc contacted all of the people that were not chosen for Season 3 and encouraged them to sign-up for CPKamp. This also included Chilly98656, Pikachu2rock, and Fluffy54605. Purple surprised many people when she revealed her real age. Purple is the youngest person to ever be in CPSkool, as she is at the age of 9. Purple is very mature for her age, and made quite an impression on people.
Swimy1998 (Firefly): Wow... Swimy... not many words can describe him. Swimy was a supporter of CPSkool way back in Seasons 1 & 2. When he made his re-appearance just a week before CPKamp, he was greatly encouraged to sign-up. Swimy is probably the most unique person ever to be a part of CPSkool, and he is also one of the most well-known. He has caused many controversies, but he is still here... which says something positive about him! He has also revealed to many about his crush on Sandy2618 (a fellow teammate) But, Swimy was gained on and was the 5th person eliminated in CPKamp.
Jessicurlk7 (Hornet): Jess is a very sweet person, with a very tough life. She touched the hearts of the few people she shared her life story with, and was wished only the best in CPKamp. She was a previous fan of another gameshow, but was brought here when that gameshow unexpectedly ended. Jess was forced to drop out of the competition when she received bad news about her family and had to move to a new home that does not have a computer. Jess will be missed, and we wish her only positive things for the rest of her life.
Fluffy54605 (Hornet): Fluffy was sadly the 2nd person to be voted off in CPKamp. Fluffy is a good friend and tried a lot harder than some in his season. He still remains as part of the chat and visits frequently. Fluffy may have had a short time but he clearly enjoyed the short time he had, which is what CPSkool is all about. Thank you Fluffy for your time, and even though CPKamp did not go the way you hoped it would, you will surely find happiness later down the road.

Gabriella737 (Hornet): Gabriella, referred to as Bumble, is THE longest known contestant in Season 4. She has even been around before contestants in both Seasons 2 & 3. This is a big reason why she became a part of CPKamp, she deserved it. Bumble did show up a lot in the early stages of the game, but like last season's Waddlecool12, she had issues with her computer and was unable to participate for several weeks. This of course, caused her to be voted off by her team.
Ty Waddles (Hornet): Going by the name "Andre" he was an exciting addition this season. Unfortunately he was at a disadvantage when he was unable to compete in several challenges due to him being busy every saturday. Andre is one of the most frequent chatters on CPSkool's chat. He has a unique personality that combines both humor and kindness. Andre was voted off by his fellow team members becasue of his absence to the challenges.
Angblue9 (Firefly): Ang is genuinely sweet and kind, and is very likable by anyone she meets. Ang was happily accepted to join CPKamp, but nobody knows why she failed to come. Of course, she will always be loved and will always remain a friend to all, but her lack of effort resulted in her elimination and she has not been seen too many times after her elimination. Hopefully she will start to come and visit CPSkool more often.
Witty12 (Hornet): Witty is a funny and kind person that became a part of CPKamp after the Firefly, Jessicurlk7, had to drop out of the competition. As Jess's replacement, many had high-hopes for Witty to do well in CPKamp. Surprisingly, he was eliminated the same week he joined the competition. This makes Witty's time in the competition shorter than anyone before (he joined the season only days before the challenge) Witty has not been seen in a great while, but hopefully his life is going well for him.
Sandy2618 (Firefly): Not much is known about Sandy. She is the only person in CPKamp to have never been on the CPSkool chat. She was chosen because she is a former friend to both Matbolabc and Sand Flipper, as she wanted to help Sand create Klub Kitty. Sandy was also an old commander in the famous club penguin army, CPGA, along with Swimy1998. Although she was eliminated first, Sandy will forever be a CPSkooler.

Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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