Challenge X
Monday, April 26, 2010
This week, CPSkool is in for its Final 8.
For example, you may notice the awesome new template, and you may have your mouth open on how different CPSkool looks. This is the 3rd time it's been the Final 8, so we know how to class it up for these guys.
This challenge is based on the Roman life. The Roman Empire is most known for chariot races and Gladiator matches at the Colosseum. They also use numerals, like I for 1 and IV for 5.
We are using all of those this challenge. This challenge is called Challenge X for 10. And we've got 2 events that will entertain the heck out of ya!The first event is something you may or may not know...Chariot Races!
Romans often had chariot races, which is where they go on a thing called a chariot, which is kind of like a horse and buggy, but much more...nice quality.
Our 8 contestants will have seperate chariots. To have a chariot, you must have a puffle, and some kind of body item to prove you are Roman like. For Lilac, since she is not member, she can just wear an item that will kind of give a clue, like a hat or something like that.
The race will go according to this map on the right.
We will start at the Cove, at the edge of the water. When Penguin874 (me) starts to run, everyone will follow (even non CPSkoolers can race, but they won't actually "win", although in the video for the race, you may see yourself!)
The race will, according to this map, lead into the Lighthouse. You CANNOT use the button that will easily get you up the stairs. You must run up the stairs. If you do not go up the stairs, you will not be counted as a winner. Also, stay more to the side, as the race will go according to what my computer shows on the video, so if you run on the left side, the video may only pick you up stuck against the side!
At the Beacon, we will go to chat, and do not argue who wins. Whatever the video shows, will be our evidence.
The second event is something you MOST LIKELY know...Gladiators!
Gladiators were mostly prisoners of the Roman Army and/or strong people wanting to fight. They used various weapons, which, in the end, caused someone to die, or get brutually hurt if they even survived.
Don't worry, this CP Skool version of Gladiator fights won't be all bloody and death filled. It will be the opposite, actually.
Look at this picture on the right. Even though there is a Red and Blue side, it doesn't matter, you can sit on any side you want, as long as you're not in the ring. Here is how the fights work. 2 contestants (chosen by Penguin874 based on if they show or not) walk into the ring. On chat, they Private Chat Penguin874 a number from 1-30. Penguin874 has each number picked out beforehand. Whoever picks a number closer to Penguin874's gets safe. The other person is out.
This will keep going until finally, someone is ultimately the winner.
See, was it REALLY that bloody?
The challenge will be taking place on and Club Penguin, so I WILL take off my powers on Challenge Day. I will also take off no PC and no PM for the contestants. Only Private Chat me if it is REALLY important.
Server: Snow Globe
Place: Check Chat for each position, as it will vary throughout the challenge
Time: Be on by 1:00, challenge will start at 1:20
Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010 (MAYDAY! MAYDAY! The 10th challenge is the first day of May on May 1st on MAYDAY! Try saying that 3x fast lol)
If you have any questions, be sure and ask me them BEFORE May 1st, as I will not being telling people how to play the challenge the day OF the challenge.
Also, check out the new bottom of the site, as it has a coin chart with the cards. Be sure to buy the card you want before the Final 3, as some of them will not be able to be used after a certain point.
PS Comment what you think of the template, or tell us on chat! :)
GUYS THE NEW TEMPLATE IS SO AWESOME!!!! KEEP IT!! I LOVE IT!! And could u do me a favor and put up me and Hedge's Banner on the site? Plz *blushes*the... um.. whatever it is called..(BRAIN FREEZE!) is on our site // it won't let me post the code..
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