Interview 1 of CP College with GK and Kellie
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Penguin874: Hey audience. We haven't had an interview in ages ever since the Finals of CP High, and now it's back. There will be more interviews now, as they seemed to be a hit and something people were excited to see every Sunday in 2009-2010. Here today, we have Guitarking97 and xx Kellie xx, ready for an interview.
Kellie: WOOT!
Guitar: Road trip!
(Audience starts to clap their flippers and green puffles fly around in excitement)
Penguin874: This is for Guitar. What do you think of your position in CP College right now?
Guitar: I think I'm doing pretty well.(Kellie gives him a thumbs up and looks back at Peng)
Penguin874: This is for Kellie. Are you in any alliances right now, and with who?
(Checkers stares stalkerishly at Kellie as she is about to answer the question)
Kellie: Yes, and Guitarking, K0wal ski, (this chains on) Checkers and Lily.
(K0wal ski gives a small blush when she said his name, and Lily starts to clap and stand as the audience cheers)
Penguin874: Who do you think deserved elimination the most this season?
(lights dim down, and there is a red spotlight on GK)
Guitarking97: Hmm...probably Waddle or Mumble. Wait no, Kopink, she never came.
(Kopink glares at Guitar and continues to watch the interview)
Penguin874: This is again for Kellie. Any tips for readers on surviving a gameshow?
Kellie: Don't always trust the people closest to you, they may turn. Don't start to fight with your friends if they are on a seperate team...they can be sly.
(Swimy puts gum on a paper airplane, throws the paper airplane at Sand, and then it hits Sand in the hat, and her hat falls off. Sand pulls out an AK47 and shoots at Swimy and Mat puts her hat back on. Sand goes back to normal and watches the interview)
Penguin874: What was your favorite challenge?
Guitar: Grockey, it was 2 against 5, and we won.
(All of the contestants dance around, kicking their feet to the Grockey theme song)
Penguin874: What is the chance of you winning in your opinion?
(The red team stays standing, and stares at Kellie)
Kellie: 50/50, 'cause we all are equal and have our own strengths and weaknesses.
(A few people grunt at the neutral answer, while others smile and give her a thumbs up)
Penguin874: Whose your best ally or allies in CPSkool?
Guitar: K0 and Kellie, they're awesome.
(K0wal ski and Kellie look at Gk clapping, and Gk smirks and awaits the next answer)
Penguin874: Who do you think will win in case you don't?
Kellie: I think Gk, K0 and Chex...
(director puts flipper on clipboard as he whispers something into Kellie's ear)
Kellie: On second thought, I think K0 will dominate and win this season.
(Checkers glares at K0 when he blushes even more than he did earlier)
Penguin874: What was the best season so far?
Guitar: lol, definitely Season 3. My allies are gonna be mad at me for the question about my allies, though.
(Elite stands up and holds a sign that says "GO GUITARKING! YOU DA KING!")
Penguin874: Should there be a season 4 of CP Skool, or should CP College be the last one?
(The whole audience leans in to hear the answer)
Kellie: There should be a season 4 because there are people who are so upset they didn't make this one.
(Tim250 and Slider94 high five with Hannah and Agent and then sit back down, full of excitement)
Penguin874: Any last words to finish off the interview you two?
Kellie: Sure. I think if we were to restart the season, the eliminations should be different. Some of the people eliminated didn't deserve it.
Guitarking97: SHOOP DA WHOOP!!
(On a TV screen, a penguin is shown walking, and then out of nowhere, a giant Dragonball Z character stares at him and then fires his laser)
Penguin874: Here's GOLD POTATOES for being in a CP College interview.
(Guitar eats the potato right away)
Penguin: Cya guys tomorrow for a new post about Challenge 10, or as the Greeks call it...CHALLENGE X!
(The camera rolls back and then turns to black as the CPSkool national anthem plays)
New post will be up tomorrow, along with something by Mat on it.
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