Week 7: Whose Off The Runway?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
This week, there were 5 runway contestants out of 11, which means this week, we have a little bit to give away, but it's worth it.
2 red team players (xx Kellie xx and Guitarking97) arrived along with 3 blue team players (Buges, Tim and Checkers). Penguin874 came in exactly at 1:30, and the challenge began. The 2 players representing the Blue and Red team consisted of Guitarking97 and Checkers4562.
After thinking of the pros and cons of the outfits, Penguin874 came to a decision.

It seems Guitarking97 won the challenge for the red team this week! xx Kellie xx and Guitarking97 get a total of 5 points each.
Now, the 5 contestants had to vote a blue player off. After 5 minutes of vote collecting, the results were in.
3 penguins were summoned for elimination, 2 with 1 vote on their head, 1 with 3 on their head. Those 3 penguins were K0wal ski, Buges, and Liaxis.
"The person out of you 3 who got 1 point and is safe is..."
The 3 sweat and cross their flippers...somehow.
"...K0wal ski."
K0wal ski gasps and walks in shock to his desk at the runway. One of his friends were going to be voted off!
Penguin874 looked at both, and proclaimed, "This week, I am going to tell you guys who ISN'T voted off. The other is voted off. So, without further ado, the person who ISN'T off this week is..."
People looked at shock at Buges, who was already packed up, as he only needed a few things. They followed him outside, giving him hugs and handshakes, telling him good luck with life. Around sunset, the CPSkool school bus came, and Buges walked in. As he took a seat, the bus went over the hill, into an uncertain horizon. Buges was one of our greatest friends.
Since it was getting dark, the contestants called it a night and went back to their dorms. The challenge was gonna be announced tomorrow.
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