Challenge 10: Roman Empire
Saturday, May 1, 2010
This week was amazing. It was the last week of the 4th month of the year. Can you believe that it is the Final 8 of CP College, and we JUST started about 2 months ago? It is now May 1st, and I myself am amazed we get to start our 10th challenge on a beautiful spring day like this.
There were lots of arguements this week, and fighting over who won and such, but overall, it turned out to be a very successful week, with only one no show.
This week, we started out with Event I of II, the Gladiator Race. It was really called the Chariot Race, but it WAS filled with Gladiators, so why not?
Everyone lined up at the edge of the water, ready to get the invinciblity. The smell of victory was in the air. Or was it Penguin's horrible gas pocket? We'll find out after the commercial.
Penguin874 looked at all the contestants, and yells READY? A few answered "YES!" and Penguin874 counted to 3...and yelled START!
The penguins went so fast that Penguin874 had to skip rooms to catch up with them. In the end, everyone went up the stairs of the Beacon, where Penguin874, 110laura110, and Sand Flipper awaited their appearence. First in the crowd was...
Lilaclove. And she had a very stinky face because of Penguin874.
"Too much beans?"
Challenge X's 2nd event was a Gladiator match...which wasn't very violent at all. This is the tally board for this wins and losses.
When Guitarking97 went against himself in Round 1, it was because it was uneven, so he had to guess the number, and get it 6 numbers close. He guessed 17, the number was 15, he gets into Round 2.
The elimination room filled with penguins in the gameshow.
7 people were ready to vote, some unsure on if they were going to be voted. Some penguins had alliances, where they knew they were not going to be voted, and voted for enemies and people who would not be in their alliance. Tim250 was a victim of this last week.
Penguin874 looked nervously at every vote in the coconut case, which was the deadly cause of the eliminations of ten penguins, from Sand Flipper, to, as I said before, Tim250.
It was ready for its eleventh victim.
Lilac and Kellie felt as happy as a breeze swooshing through the air on this beautiful spring day. For winning, they were safe, meaning 6 people had the chance of getting out.
Penguin874 felt a sweat down his face. Checkers hugged Guitarking and Guitarking slapped her and Checkers paused and hugged K0wal ski. K0wal ski winked at Slider and Slider glared and looked back at Penguin874.
"The following penguins I will summon to come up: Hedgehog 14, Liaxis, and Slider94."
The 3 popped from the roof and fell onto the floor. They all swept their pants and shoes with their flippers, and looked at the person who was theoretically killing off one of the players.
One of them wasn't going to die, but whoever that one person is, will die inside from learning a terrible truth.
"2 of you have 1 vote each. 1 of you has 5 votes. One person with 1 vote is..."
Kellie, although she was safe, let out a sweat. Liaxis looked at her with a weak smile.
"Hedgehog 14."
Hedge looked at Penguin874 surprised, as she was the only person not to show. It was not her fault, as she was having a cheerleading practice today. Many people jumped up and down cheering her. She was in the Final 7, along with Kellie, Guitarking97, Checkers4562, Lilaclove, K0wal ski, and the person Penguin874 was about to announce.
"The last person to get in the Final 7, and into the harder challenges, is..."
Slider94 and Liaxis gave each other a goodbye hug, as one of them was about to be out.
Checkers4562 was still hugging K0wal ski.
"The person with only 1 vote is..."
Liaxis could not describe what she was feeling. She was happy, yes, but was happiness worth letting a friend go back home after getting so far?
Slider94 smiled, and hugged everyone. He is remembered as the creator of Club Penguin Cheatn and Personal Banners, both big hits.
He also is a friend of us for both his amazing graphic skills, but his warm heart to befriend people, and for that, he should always deserve a place in the history in CP Skool.
Thank you for reading, interview with Lilac and Kellie tomorrow, and challenge 11, with the Final 7, will be up, as usual, on Monday.
Enjoy your springtime.
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