Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 13 Results: Who Passed the Test?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Checkers4562 grunted as she bit the eraser of her pencil at the CPSkool Study. She looked over to Kellie, who was silently listening to her iPod across the room. Checkers thought for a second, and wrote something on a piece of binder paper. She folded it into a paper airplane, and threw it to Kellie.
Penguin874 suddenly came out of nowhere and snatched the plane. Checkers' face went to a pale pink as Penguin874 read the note aloud.
"Hey, Kellie!" it read. "Can you come over here so I can hear "Solo" on one of the headphones?"
Kellie looked annoyed at Checkers, and Penguin874 took away Kellie's iPod.
"You can have this at the end of the test."
Kellie glared at Penguin and crossed her arms. K0wal ski shrugged to her, and went back to writing down an article about what everyone's favorite movie was.
Guitarking97 was in the corner reading a book about the Geography of CPSkool and how it has changed over the course of 10 years in CP time.
Liaxis was watching CPSkool Live on the television.
Some minutes later, Penguin874 walked in. He made a gesture for the penguins to follow him to the classroom. Everyone settled in, and Penguin874 passed the test papers to Liaxis, who passed them behind her.
"Ok guys," Peng announced. "You will use your voice for this test. I will tell you the question, and I will only let 2 people guess. If the first person is incorrect, then it goes to the second person to buzz in. If that 2nd person fails, then I tell the answer and we continue."
Everyone looks at each other and nods. The test begins.
1. What was the 5th challenge of CP College?
Checkers buzzes in, but didn't even read the question. Time runs out, and it goes to GK. Guitarking97 answers: Robots vs Penguins. Guitarking97 earns 2 points.
2. Name the last 3 people to be eliminated from CP High from first to last.
Yet again Guitarking97 answers Waddle, Hedge, then Penny. Checkers says Laura and Penny were eliminated, which results in confusion, but the game continues. Guitarking97 earns 2 points.
3. When did Potato874 come into the game?
Guitarking says CP High, and Checkers says CP College. No one got it right. The correct answer is CPSkool.
4. Name the first person ever off CP High.
Checkers4562 buzzes in and says Slash320. Checkers earns 2 points.
5. Who was the first and only person to be kicked out of CPSkool?
Kellie buzzes first and says Mryomama, meaning xx Kellie xx earns 2 points.
6. Who was the first co-host of CPSkool?
Checkers4562 buzzes in and says Juh76. Checkers4562 earns 2 points.
7. What month did CP High start?
Checkers4562 says September, which is incorrect. Guitar says it was October, which is incorrect. The correct answer is November.
8. Name one gameshow on CP besides CPSkool and CPN.
Guitarking97 answers Spudtacular CP, and earns 2 points.
9. In Challenge 2 of CP Skool's first season, two people won. Who were those two people?
Guitar buzzes in, but changes his mind. Liaxis was second to buzz, and guesses Guitar and K0. Close, but no cigar. K0wal ski's first season was CP High, and Guitar's was CP Skool, but Guitar and SAND won the second challenge of CP Skool.
10. Who was eliminated just last week (as of 5/22/10)?
Liaxis answers first, saying Lilaclove. Liaxis earns 2 points.
11. Who was the first person eliminated in 2010?
Many people give random answers, but when the answer is said to be Juh, it is debated. 2010 includes the middle of CP High, which was in January, when Juh was eliminated from the Fashion Show.
12. Who wrote the winning Haiti poem in CP High?
Guitarking97 has no hesitation to say Hedgehog 14, which was correct. Guitarking97 earns 2 points.
13. Name the first girl to be in the Final 2.
Guitarking97 wins the game by saying Sand Flipper. In CPSkool, the Final 5 was Faithflipper, Sand Flipper, Buges, Matbolabc and Guitarking97. Buges, Faith and GK were eliminated in that order, which left Sand and Mat in the Final 2!
Since Guitarking97 won, this means Checkers4562, Liaxis, K0wal ski or xx Kellie xx were open for elimination!
The CPSkoolers stay in the classroom, and get a piece of binder paper to write down who they want off CP College. Guitarking97 runs in write away to answer, and Checkers4562 trails behind him by a few seconds. xx Kellie xx is shy to turn her binder paper into the coconut of elimination, but does it anyways. K0wal ski tells his vote after a little bit of thinking, and Liaxis is last to put hers in.
Penguin874 looks in sad awe at the votes. Everyone but one person voted this penguin.
That penguin is...

Liaxis stared at the Final 4 sadly. She is happy at least some of them are her friends, and she heads over to her dorm room for her luggage and her photos from her time this season.
"Final 5...forever!" she yells as she waves goodbye to her friends from the bus that rides into the firey red and orange horizon.
"Time for night night, CPSkoolers," Penguin874 announces. "You got a big day on Monday, the Final 4 challenge, and GK, we're gonna have an open interview tomorrow. Everyone will be involved with the interview post tomorrow."
Then, Peng pauses as he takes something out of his pocket.
"Here's your iPod, Kellie."
Kellie grabs it, and whacks Peng in the eye with one of the earphones. Peng yells in pain as the others laugh and run to their dorms. Mat smirks as he yawns and turns the lights out.


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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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