Challenge 14: Trash Talk (Final 4)
Monday, May 24, 2010
People have mixed opinions on Club Penguin nowadays. Some, like me, think of old memories as proof of progression, and want to move forward. Others, on the other hand, want to hang on the past and think that if you stay there, there will be progression, thus no problems, which is irony.
This week's challenge will remind you that CP is still worth playing. A summer party is going to happen, CPSkool is at its 14 challenge in its 3rd season, and it looks like a smooth summer is in view.
Guitarking97, xx Kellie xx, Checkers4562, and K0wal ski are different in their own shoes.
Guitarking97 was a Final 3'er in the first season, and was eliminated after Matbolabc chose to save Sand.
xx Kellie xx is a newbie whose been known for a troubled life but good friends, plus the power to be neutral in nearly any situation.
Checkers4562 is a mystery. She can do so much and get far, and it just leaves you wondering how. She was the drama-stirring dragon on CP High, and is breathing those flames on CP College as well.
K0wal ski is a quiet guy who, like I used to, loves to switch from one thing to another. One day it's a cool comic site, next day it's a story. In the end, you have experienced a lot of fun.
Now, let's stir this mixing pot of penguins and have a 14th challenge, shall we?
This week's challenge is simple: The Final 4 will go to the Recycling Plant, and get ready for some good ol' fashion trash throwing. The problem is, the last person standing has a decision.
After everyone is defeated and there is one man/woman standing, the final penguin will then have to choose someone to compete against in a number battle. A number battle is where they PC me a number from 1 to 149, and whoever gets the closest gets immunity.
The elimination will go as usual, but whoever is eliminated this time does NOT get into the awesome Final 3 try and get immunity, m'kay?
Date: Saturday, May 29, 2010
Time: 1:00 PST
Server: Rainbow
Place: Recycling Plant
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