Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Checkers4562 In the Final 3!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The audience was clapping in excitement as Penguin874 walked onto the stage with his elite puffle Flare at his side. Flare jumped onto the table as Peng drank his water bottle.
"Today, we are welcoming Checkers4562 to the stage. Checkers?"
Many penguins were waving signs saying things like "CHECKERS FTW!" or "CHEX IS THE BEST!"
Penguin874 straightened his bowtie, and began the interview.
"So, Checkers," he asked. "Did Guitar or Kellie deserve the elimination?"
Checkers looked at the crowd of penguins awaiting an answer, and looked back at Penguin.
"Well...I don't think anyone deserved it. I like having both of them in the game. They are both of my allies, so neither of them really did. I don't think K0wal ski deserved it, either, but one of them had to get out."
Guitar smiled and Kellie wiped a tear from her face as the audience clapped and whistled at the answer.
Penguin874 looked at Checkers, and got ready to ask another question.
"What secrets can you tell us about the old Blue Team?"
Chex looked at her watch nervously and spoke.
"Umm...well one person would try and get 2 specific people out but I'm not gonna name names..." she answered. "What else...we would obviously plan on winning challenges and stuff...not many secrets really."
"What do you expect from next week?" Peng wondered. "Any predictions?"
Checkers vaguely stared at a wall, and shook her head back into focus.
"I don't know..."
"What are your thoughts on CPSkool Kamp?"
"I'm excited for CPSkool Kamp! I am looking forward to seeing who's in it, and what the challenges are like!"
A crowd of new CPSkoolers clap and cheer for the new season to come already.
"Well, that's it for the interview! Anything else to say, Checkers?"
"Umm...I'd like to say good luck to me, GK and K0 and...CAN I HAVE MY POTATO NOW?"
Penguin874 picks up a garbage can with a potato inside it and pegs it at Checkers. Checkers cries as the camera zooms out and everyone heads home.


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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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