Interview 2 of CP College: Guitar in the Seat
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Medieval Party fever spread around the CP Skool auditorium. People were sitting in three rows, one was orange, one was green, one was purple. Puffles were jousting while riding on beach balls and fought with pieces of celery they got free at the Pet Shop.
Non members outside were boycotting the party planners corporation for making the party pretty much all member. The party planners shut the blinds and planned another awesome party.
Inside the auditorium, Guitarking97 was walking up the stage to get his interview. Penguin874 fixed his tie, and walked up. He had taken a shower, looking way different than his dirt covered self from yesterday.
Penguin874: You ready for an interview, GK?
Guitarking97 (smirking): Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Penguin874: Question 1: Do you plan on winning CP College overall? Or will you lose to someone?
Guitarking97: I'm not sure, I hope to win, but there are others like Kellie and K0
Penguin874: Question 2: Do you think everyone eliminated deserved it? Who didn't deserve the elimination?
Guitarking97: I think a lot of people deserved it, but people like Tim, Slider, Hedge and Sand didn't.
Penguin874: Question 3: Do you still fire your laser?
Guitarking97: Yes, very often BLAAAAAAAAARGH!
Penguin874: Ok, now that the building is cleaned up, lets continue the interview. Question 4: Like CPN, if someone had to die in CPSkool out of the Final 6, who would it be?
Guitarking97: Hmm...I don't know...
Penguin874: It can also be you.
Guitarking97: NOO DON'T KILL ME! I have a wife and three kids! NOOOO!
Penguin874: Well, then tell us someone.
Guitarking97: Fine...I guess Lilac.
Penguin874: Why Lilac?
Guitarking97: Because you're forcing me to tell you (glares) So that's the first name on the top of my head.
Penguin874: Question 5: If CPSkool had a song, what would you call it, and would you play it on your guitar?
Guitarking97: It would be called CPSkool Owns, and I would play it on my guitar and MAH LAZER...BLAAAAARGH!
Penguin874: That sounds wrong but thanks for the interview! Any last words or advice for future CPSkoolers or overall CPSkool life?
Guitarking97: My final words for future CPSkoolers are, make sure you have allies, they will help you greatly.
The camera fades away slowly, and everyone starts heading home for the new CPSkool challenge announcement on Monday. Medieval mania is still going on inside their sleeping heads.
Goodnight, CPSkool.
Hey can I get my site advertised?Oh its Vinny and you still have the banners on your computer right?If not can you help me make another one?
P.S.dont post this comment
NVM i gotta banner (: ~Vinny4765
oh but i still wanna be advertized
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