CP Skool Kamp Teams: Fireflies vs Hornets!
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's the day you sign uppers have been waiting for---SIGN UP RESULT SATURDAY!
In just a few seconds, you will see the results. But first, lemme say 2 things:
If you didn't get picked, don't worry. You can still follow along this season, and I am not sure if this IS officially the last season, but even if it is, there's gonna be plenty of game shows around.
If you got in, please comment on this post and tell me that you read it. I don't really want there to be slackers. And, if you can, get a picture of your penguin's player card with a whited out background. If you can't, come to http://xat.com/cpskool and contact one of the owners, and we can arrange a meeting where we can get the background and add you.
OK, time to announce the teams!
Fireflies colors: Orange and Yellow
Sebastian7-Sebastian7 has been an amazing friend of both CPSkool and CPN. He stays neutral, enjoys making things that other people don't make, and enjoys having a nice time on chat, like a lot of others, and loves the World Cup and the Mexican Team. His site is on the sidebar, but I will give a link anyways: http://eliminatesecrets.blogspot.com/. Will Sebastian wave his flag to victory, or use it as a tissue?
Purplespears-The CPSkool community does not know a lot about Purple, but she does seem like the type who calmly handles things, and does not being involved with fights. She signed up for CP College, and got rejected sadly, but this time, things have turned around :)! Will Purple shine, or will the light darken?
Firestar9003-Firestar9003 has been a long time friend of CPSkool, even before it was created, when Happywagon's Insanely Cool Blog was out. He was always chatting and making friends, but sadly disappeared after it was closed in 2009, and rarely came around. Now, he comes to chat near daily, and is ready for the awesome CP Skool Kamp prize! Will Fire beat the heat? Or will it get the best of him?
Sandy2618-Sandy2618 was a leader of the CPGA (Club Penguin Gang Army) for some months (how I was introducted to xat, and how I made a lot of the friends I have today), and was known to not talk as much as the others. No one has seen her for over half a year, and she suddenly signed up, ready to win. Will Sandy stand out from the crowd?
Chilly98656-You remember Liaxis from last season, am I right? Well, Chilly is her BEST FRIEND. Last season, we could only pick ONE of them, and much to Chilly's chagrin, we chose Liaxis, who made it to the Final 5. Chilly makes AMAZING CPMV'S, and you could check them out at http://youtube.com/chicagogal9765. She is excited a lot, and is very enthusiastic. Will she turn out better than her friend, or never make it to the end?
Angblue9-Angblue9 likes to be called "Ang", so maybe we should call her that from now on in these posts. Ang is a polite penguin who used to hang out a lot in AMGJ, a teen chat whose traffic is going up and down these days. She enjoys making sites, and even has her own gameshow at: http://cpsurvival-the-gameshow.blogspot.com/ (If you are in CPSkool Kamp, I prefer you don't sign up for 2 gameshows, but if you aren't in CPSK, give her a great smile and sign up. It'll give you something to do this summer). Will Ang get far in the game, or will the game get shorter for her?
Slidoo-Slidoo is very unknown to the CPSkool community, but if you get to know him (as I know I will), he seems like a nice guy. He has an AMAZING site here at: http://clubpenguincheatworld.com/ where you can get cheats, and he is the winner of a gameshow named "The Warp Zone of CP", so you know he's got experience. Does Slidoo have what it takes to defeat the others?
That's it for the Fireflies. Hope you 8 have a great time in CPSkool Kamp, and now you can go to your cabins.
Now for the rest of you.
Hornets colors: Black and Yellow/Red
Musawinx1-Musa is British, just like her friend, Kellie (who made it to the---WHAT?!!!---Final 4 of CP College and sacrificed herself), so she is defeating the odds since the time zones in the UK are CRAZY compared to the ones in the USA. She is a great friend on chat, and isn't afraid to speak for herself if she has to. She has made a few very great friends at CPSkool, and a lot of others on other chats. Will Musa be the one to win it all?
Ty Waddles-Let's call Ty Waddles ANDRE so you don't get confused on who this kid is. Andre is one of the leaders of the chat AMGJ, the one that we said earlier that Ang goes to. He is crazy (in a good way, lol), and loves Pokemon. His black Pikachu icon will make you go crazy, or at least, insane. Will Andre win the match, or be defeated?
Fluffy54605-Fluffy54605 first became friends with Penguin874 in February/March of 2009, before he was banned forever. He has disappeared from Club Penguin chats for months, but soon got in touch about CP Skool Kamp, and got in. He is a nice guy, and loves to compliment you and support you along the way. Will Fluffy do great on the team, or will the team have the elimination on him?
Pikachu2rock-Pikachu2rock, or as we call her on chat, "Artist" or "Artist at Work", is an artistic penguin who loves to make pictures on Club Penguin and offline. Her weaknesses are singing, but why do you need to know how to sing in an online game show, lol? Will Artist draw the prize, or will it be erased off her canvas?- Gabriella737-Bumbleface, as her Xat name is that, went from being just a regular girl who hung out on CPN, to one of those people who became involved with much more. She is known for loving pools, checking out Hedgehog 14's site, and loving Disney and hating Nickelodeon (which causes a lot of controversy on the chat!) Will Bumble swim int the pool of victory, or sitting on the beach of shame?
- JessicurLK7-Jess is known on chat for coming from humble beginnings, and making a lot of friends. She has a crush on a certain someone, but besides that, she is polite, easy to talk to, and somewhat shy. Her strengths are pictures, videos, and romance (just a little hint she gave us). Will Jess shine to be the winner, or fail to be the top?
- Stickie408-Stickie has been a long time friend to a LOT of CP players, such as Matbolabc and Guitarking97, from the now shutdown Mimo Chat. He has a Youtube channel: http://youtube.com/stickie408 which deserves more hits than it does now. He has a nice attitude, and doesn't like being involved with the constant drama at chat. Will Stickie be acting as the winner, or being a small role?
- Mini Chew279-Call her Alexa. She was in the Finals of SBS before it ended with a bunch of people left in it. Her best friend is Ty Waddles (Andre), who is actually on her team! She has experience in doing great at challenges, so CPSkool won't be a problem to her. She's also a major part in AMGJ. Will Alexa play a major part in CPSkool by winning, or fall to the bottom?
Well, I hope you enjoy the season. It's gonna be a great one.
Be sure to comment if you got in, or what you think of the teams!
I love my team :p and i cant give u a whited out pic but yeah ill look at mat for that if he can so yeah
I CONFIRM! Picture: http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo24/stickie408/SerfioPlayerwithWhitebg.jpg
Hey, just wanted to say that I read the post! Can't wait to meet everyone :] I know this is gonna be epic!
-Chilly98656 <3
wow im so exited this is going to be great!
(note for Musa) Challenges are usually around 9Pm-10Pm our time ;). (to all) Good luck all!! Rock this season!!!
Cpskool mascot (goo)
hey id lke to be on the hornets all my friends are on that team but its ok thats what u have to do make new friends and over come obsticals
Omg!! I made it! Thank you soooo much!! :333 IM SO HAPPEH! :3
Commenting for fire, He read the post and is very happy to have made season 4 ;D
And here is my pic btw :) http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=i4k1tg&s=6
I am SO happy that I am with the Fireflies! I have met Firestar9003 before, and 2 of my 3 favourite colours are orange and yellow! Thank you so much for putting me in I'm ready for these challenges!
i hate the teams i should be in not all those ppl u dont even no penguin!!!
Hey this is swimy posting for Firestar9003 he could not comment so im commenting for him. he prob has a white picture but im not sure.
I also forgot, here is my penguin's whited out picture...
I hope it's the right link :)
yay im so happy I got in!! and I like da thing u said about me, so if u dont alrdy no, I read da post, lol!
I love my team and thanks for letting me be in:) i have to talk to you guys tho.im going to camp for 5 day starting monday so i dont know if i can be in cpk but i really want too
I love my team!! Here is my pic
Awesome I'm In! Awesome Cast! I love the teams! Here is my pic:
Pretty much new people to me on my team except for Alexa and Bumble....Well I get to meet new ppl i guess lol. Anyways Im so in.
-Ty Waddles/Andre
I can give you a whited out pic another day. Plus I had read the post, but I couldnt comment (sometimes blogger goes weird for me)And ty Kellie!
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