Challenge 3 Results: Who Got the Flag?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Guys, I have to start this post with bad news...JessicurLK7, one of the newest and friendliest penguins we've met in awhile has been forced to quit because she is moving to her dad's house, which has no computers. There would be no use for her to be in CPSkool Kamp if she can't come, so it was a hard but smart decision to quit instead of not showing. She has shown that she is great at showing up, but now, we must say goodbye.
The CPSkool band played its last concert of the party today, the same day of the awesome new Capture the Flag challenge! At first the players were confused and had a lot of questions, but in the end, we all got together for an awesome time.
The Hornets lay belly deep in the Secret Lake, holding army uniforms and snowballs. The opposing team was going to get ready for a huge surprise once they saw their defense.
On the opposing team, the Fireflies, the players were seperated, and ready to jump down the stairs to the quiet, moist forest. It would be the perfect war for them.
Penguin874 pulled out a megaphone, and looked at the Lighthouse and tried to spot a tree at the Forest. "5...4...3...2...1...GO!"
No one knew where everyone was. We did know that the players were on the prowl. Fluffy was brought back just for this challenge since the teams were uneven, but that didn't stop him from running in, shooting anybody he sees. Suddenly, Fire raced by and was headed for the Hornets' base. A lot of penguins had come back for the great accomplishment of making it to a challenge, like Sebastian7, Firestar9003, and Ty Waddles (whose first challenge was today). They were here to win, and win it was.
Suddenly, a loud siren went off. Firestar9003 had captured the Hornets' flag. The island was filled with cheers from bystanders, and boos by a few who wanted the Hornets to call victory. This means Fireflies had beaten...the tiebreaker, 2-1.
Because of the win by the Fireflies, the Hornets will now have to comment on this post and vote who they think deserves to get out of the most:
Will it be Musawinx1, Mini Chew279, Ty Waddles, Pikachu2rock, Gabriella737, or Stickie408?
Only the Hornets get to comment who they want out right there, and the comments will only be accepted until 2:00 PST (5:00 EST) tomorrow, so vote now. If you have any other comments, that's fine.
Until next challenge...
Founder and Host of CPSkool
I will not vote since I wasn't there but I wanna say I'm soooo sorry i couldnt come!!!! :((( I had a graduation to go to...(Trust me, if i couldve stayed, i wouldve!)
Hornets, I'm really sorry I didnt come! :(
Umm so we lost jess had To Quit and so we lose 2 players so not fair ..... It's not our fault she was put on our team and we lost the same week she had to quit but anyways.. The reason I didn't come was cause my. Laptop broke And it should be fixed by next challenge .... So I have to Apparently vote which isn't fair but my vote is for Artist... I guess but I don't wanna vote anybody.. Sorry Jess had to quit Though :(
Oh god!!! I was gonna vote Jessicurl off! But now that she is off I don't know who to vote off.
It's a hard decision (as I don't want any of them to be out,I already regret it) but I vote Stickie.
Do I have to vote? (D) ~Bumble
If you haven't taken the votes in I change my mind to Alexa! If you have dont worry.
Um.... What happened to the votes not being published?
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