Elimination Ceremony 1
Monday, July 5, 2010
Penguin874 nervously looked at the 8 kampers, as they did the same towards him. In the distance they could see the fireworks being shot off at the Ski Hill, in Club Penguin, an island about a mile from the shores of the kamp.
The kampers looked nervously into the crackling fire, they all hoped that they would be safe from elimination. Nerves got the best of them, some were shaking, others sweating, but they knew that they had to face elimination at some point. As there can only be one winner.
Penguin874 had a pile of coconuts beside him, 7 coconuts. "This coconut represents your standing in the competition. I will call your names one at a a time, and you come get your coconut. The player who does not get one, will be escorted off the island by Matbolabc." Peng gleamed at them, he did not enjoy this part of being a host.
"Chilly, Slidoo, and Fire, come get your coconuts." Chilly98656, Slidoo, and Firestar9003 happily jumped from their seats and snatched their coconuts.
"Next to get their coconuts..."
The 5 other penguins looked nervously at Penguin, clinging onto all the hope they had.
"Sebastian and Ang!" Sebastian7 and Angblue9 high-fived eachother as they happily got their coconuts, they were safe.
Swimy1998, Purplespears, and Sandy2618 were the last ones sitting. "You guys are the bottom 3, each of you were voted for at least once."
They looked nervously at the other players, who quickly turned their heads. "Swimy, you may get your coconut." Swimy1998 hopped from his seat as he scrambled towards Peng and Mat. "YOU GUYS ARE BEAST!" he shouted just before he tripped over a small stone. Penguin threw his coconut at him. "Go sit Swimy..." He said as Mat rolled his eyes.
Purple and Sandy looked at eachother, they were both very nervous. Nobody wanted to be eliminated, or be eliminated first on that note.
"The person we will be saying good-bye to tonight is...."

"Sandy...." Mat closed his eyes. Penguin looked sad, this was always the toughest part of a gameshow. "This means that Purple is safe." Purplespears let out a shout, she was excited to continue competing, Sandy sadly looked into the fire as she approached Mat. The two walked away from the campsite, and the other players waved a good-bye to Sandy.
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