Elimination Ceremony 2
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The hornets were a bit disappointed in themselves. They were close to winning, but they lost their 2nd victory to the other team.
Penguin874 stood there looking down at the ground, he was reflecting on the second week of CPKamp. The quiet atmosphere was causing nerves to run high amongst the hornets. "Hey there guys."
"Hey..." some of the players murmured. Fluffy54605 was twidling his thumbs, and sweating nervously. Ty Waddles just gazed into the campfire. And JessicurLK7 was biting her flipper. Most of the others stayed somewhat calm.
Penguin874 pointed to the pile of coconuts. "There are only 7 coconuts lying here, but there are 8 of you. Whichever hornet does not get a coconut, is the player that got the majority votes fromt their team-mates. They will be escorted off the island by Matbolabc, along with their belongings." Penguin's sunglasses glared from the campfire. "The first few people I will give a coconut to are..."
They all stared at him, sweating. Their nerves were high, they knew that in just a moment one of them was going to get eliminated.
"Gabriella, Serfio, and.... Musa!" The 3 stood up and gladly gave a smile to one another, as they took their coconuts from Penguin. Gabriella737 was the one who had scored a point for the team in round 1. She happily hugged Musa Winx1, Serfio smirked at them. "The next 2 players are.... Pikachu and Mini Chew!" Pikachu2rock and Mini Chew279 gladly hopped from their tree stump seats. Pikachu let out a YEEEP! and Mini Chew just kept a bright smile on her face.
"Guys, there are only 2 coconuts left... Jess...." She nervously looked at him. "You left right before the challenge..... but your team didn't seem to mind, you are safe!" he said with a grin. JessicurLK7 slouched her back and took a heavy sigh. She was worried she would get eliminated. Penguin tossed her coconut to her.
Ty Waddles and Fluffy54605 slowly turned their heads. It was between them. "Guys, both of you were voted for at least once..." Fluffy's eyes got huge, Ty's teeth clenched. They were both grasping for every second that passed. Penguin sadly looked at them. Matbolabc's face turned into a frown as he looked down. "The last coconut goes to...."
"Ty..." Ty Waddles sadly looked at Fluffy, and he hopped up to get his coconut.
"Fluffy... I'm sorry but you have been eliminated from CPKamp," Penguin874 sadly said. The other players sadly hugged Fluffy a farewell. Fluffy54605 didnt say a word. He lowered his sombrero to cover his eyes. So nobody could see his tears.
"Come on Fluffy, we need to catch the boat." Mat urged him. The 2 penguins walked away from the bonfire.
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