Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 6: Penguin of the Stage

Monday, August 2, 2010

Note: I'm writing this at almost 3:00 in the morning. I promise the new Mark Elite story will be worked on once I wake up, because I am tired as heck right now...
This week, the contestants will have to wear wigs and sing opera in Italian. Just kidding, lol (It'll be in French). Challenge 6 is a new kind of challenge for the campers, and this week, we will need MORE show ups, or else we cannot simply hold the challenge. If we have less than 3 players per team, then the challenge will not work. So, Hornets, I need more of you to show up!

  • Synposis
This pretty much means what the "movie" (this is a movie challenge) is about.
Deep within the floorboards of the Stage, where penguins visit everyday for some good ol' fashioned acting and having fun lives a mysterious male penguin. He lives in the sewers below Club Penguin (you know, the Mine?) and has amazing piano skills. Coming August 7, 2010, to a CPSkool challenge near you, the penguin will come out. Starring aspiring actors Fireflies like Slidoo, Angblue9, Chilly98656, Firestar9003, Purplespears, and Sebastian7, and the rival actors from the Hornets, Musawinx2, Mini Chew 279, Ty Waddles, Pikachu2rock, Gabriella737 and Stickie408, the teams will compete for the immunity and the victory.
  • Objective
This week, the teams will have to compete and either take over, or defend the mysterious penguin's castle underwater. The Fireflies will start out at the Ski Hill, and when I say "go" on chat, the Fireflies (without using the map) will race to the Stage, while the Hornets will have to defend the castle at the Stage, where the penguin (me) will be up high. The Fireflies cannot get without range of the castle square until every Hornet is gone, and Hornets cannot leave the Castle grounds until all Fireflies are gone.
Just like Challenge 1. You can't rapid fire, it's what I see, so don't argue, and the winning team wins.
Also, lemme repeat myself. You CANNOT leave the Castle if you are a Hornet unless all the Fireflies have been defeated. That is, then, a victory for Hornets. But, Fireflies cannot get inside the Castle square until all Hornets are gone, which is then, of course a victory for Fireflies.
It's offense versus defense.
Fireflies can use the top left seats as a shooting spot, and Hornets can use the top right one as a shooting spot.
If you are not in CPSkool, then you just get a front seat look at the movie "Penguin of the Stage", with free popcorn and soda! You cannot fight along with us at the Stage, but you can cheer on your favorite team, and wear yellow or black or both for Hornets and orange or yellow and orange for Fireflies.
  • Challenge Time and Date
I want to explain about the Time before I say it.
For one thing, CPSkool pretty much has Saturday booked. Always have, always will. CP Life or Death just had a challenge an hour before CPSkool's, along with Reality Rockhopper Island. CPSkool has Saturday, please use another day, please.
Now, about Reality Rockhopper Island.
Reality Rockhopper Island is a site completely copying CPSkool created by the infamous Snugle Love (who, before he copied CPSkool, used to copy avatars by Slidoo and just "edit them a bit", just like he copies CPSkool and "edits it a bit"), and I would just like to take the time out before he just deletes the copying so no one believes me to show you what hes done to copy us. And no, it's not because he's a gameshow. He's stolen ideas, and actual text and pictures from CPSkool and made them his own. The reason I made this pretty much is because there are people who don't know about how horrible he is, and there are people in his gameshow who are commenting saying why are we all worked up about him, and how he is not copying. How is he copying? Let's look.

  • Exhibit A
(Click on it to enlarge it)
Exhibit A shows that he stole text from a post and just edited it a little. It doesn't seem like much copying, but believe me, this is just the beginning. Exhibit B will probably change your views.

  • Exhibit B
(Click on it to enlarge it)

Exhibit B pretty much shows that he went through the archives of CPSkool and stole the ideas from teams. He is saying he will have three teams once he gets to nine people, he will have the Agents (the first team on the post that told the teams for Season 1), the Ninjas (the first team on the post that told the teams for Season 2), and then the Tour Guides, because he just had to cover it up.
Next, we see he has stolen complete WORDS from a post. This obviously can't be covered up, but he brainwashes the people on his site to believe he made it.

  • Exhibit C
(Click on it to enlarge it)

Hmm, let's see here. The picture on the left looks a LOT like the on the right, but worse. Also, by the way, Snugle, if you're going to outright copy us, at least learn that counselor is spelt C-O-U-N-S-E-L-O-R-S.
You can see that he used the head idea, the counselor idea, and notice there are only 5 contestants. It really goes to show...

And that is all I will show FOR NOW. Because, I want to let Snugle Love know that we FOUND his copying, have tracked it, have links, and we have found somebody who will force him to shut it down by law for his copying. So, Snugle, I'm glad I gave you warnings to stop copying, because you rejected them all.

The time for the CPSkool Challenge is 1:45 PST.

Ask any questions (especially Checkers) before Saturday, because if I'm asked any questions (especially by Checkers) at the challenge, I will pause to wait for that person to stop, even if it takes an hour of our time.



Anonymous,  August 2, 2010 at 8:26 AM  

I have a Question can we only stay in the seats at the stage? And not run around the whole place? ,And it doesn't really matter if. Quo has his challenge on Saturday cause I think only one person from cp kamp is in it, But I do see how that kid is copying now that you pointed it out, and I should be there this time.

Anonymous,  August 2, 2010 at 10:13 AM  

Wait idk what I just asked! :S lol Never mind... I had a question but I forgot it and I just like wrote that it doesn't make sense lol

Anonymous,  August 2, 2010 at 10:35 PM  

Alrighty if I'm not at the challenge this week then that's messed up But, I have a great team Thanks for not voting me out yet since I've only came To One challenge but it's not really my fault ^.^

Pikachu2rock,  August 9, 2010 at 9:41 PM  

Can't you report Snuggle Love? There are many annoying people like that, so don't they put up buttons to report them for copying or abuse?


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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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