Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 7's Hiking Results!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chilly and Sebastian stared at the peak of the new Mountain in astonishment. They always thought there was a mountain to climb one day, but this one was amazing.
They walked back to the Beacon, where Ginger was (since each team had 2 people each, Kellie and Ginger played on the teams). They were ready to start the hike.
The Hornets were smirking and high fiving, ready for an awesome challenge (because of their millions of wins over the weeks, it seems like they would win this challenge, also!), at the Pizza Parlor, one hundred percent certain of a victory.
Penguin874 walked over to the Beacon first, because of their loss last week, and handed Chilly a list explaining all you had to do for the challenge. He then walked over to the Pizza Parlor and handed Musa the a list that was so clean, it smelt like shampoo.
After everyone received the lists, Penguin874 pulled out two walkie talkies and screamed into both, "GO!"
The teams were ready to start, with their engines fully charged, and the engines were filled with inspiration and positivity.

This week, I gave both teams a list of stuff you need to do in order to win the challenge. Both teams got the same thing, but they probably thought they were going to get different tasks. Well, actually, both teams got the same thing!

Welcome to the CPSkool Hike Adventure! This list will give you 15 things you must do in order to win the challenge! Once you complete all 15 tasks and find out what they mean, then tell me all the answers in numberorder in PC first to win!
1) Find a room with a wheel.
2) Find a room with a red couch.
3) Find a room with the color green in it.
4) Find a room completely surrounded by water.
5) Find a room with no snow.
6) Find a room with brown in it.
7) Find a room with a free item in it.
8) Find a room that is Member's Only.
9) Find a room perfect for reading.
10) Find a room with pink in it.
11) Find a room with red in it.
12) Find a room with purple in it.
13) Find a room with a mixture of green AND white.
14) Find a room with a mchine.
15) Find a room that is perfect for gardening.

That was pretty much the full list, and it doesnt seem that bad.

After, 12 minutes...the Hornets came storming onto the chat screaming "WE'RE DONE! WE'RE FINISHED!" but they either didn't know or forgot you have to PC your answers! Musa started to type the answers very fast, but in the middle, she didn't type as fast, and at one point, there weren't any answers for almost three minutes!

The Fireflies stormed on, with Chilly beginning the list a little early, and Sebastian screaming "WE FINSIHED! WE'RE DONE!" all over main. Hornets finished their list first, but I looked at the answers, and they got 4, 7, 13 and 15 incorrect, so they had to go back and correct those. Chilly finished the list for the Fireflies as I checked those answers, so I went to the Fireflies' results after I found out Hornets got 4 wrong.

The Fireflies got every answer correct, which means that THIS WEEK, FIREFLIES WON!

Hornets, you will have to post who you want to be eliminated on your team in the comments section BELOOOOW (Ray William Johnson for the win :D!). Will you eliminate Musa, Alexa, Andre, Artist, Bumble or Stickie? (So many people with an A for their first letter on this team)!

Thanks for playing, guys! It was fun to host!



Anonymous,  August 14, 2010 at 6:22 PM  


His only made one challenge.

Sorry dude.


Anonymous,  August 14, 2010 at 8:33 PM  

Andre. Andre all the way. He has been to like 1 challenge.

Musa,  August 15, 2010 at 7:12 AM  

I hope I'm not off this week (SWT)

Stickie408(CPH President) August 15, 2010 at 12:29 PM  

IDK If, My vote counts but I vote bumble

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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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