Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Saying Goodbye

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remember, the site will stay up forever, and so will the chat. In fact, we're planning on staying AFTER this post, also! Hippie Hobo Clowns, a site by Checkers and Laura will be coming back, and so will CP Spiffy Adventures, a site by Andy the Lego and Tim will be. A new generation is coming. Enjoy :)
  • The speech of Matbolabc, CPSkool's co-host and co-owner since CP High, the 2nd season
All I can say is..... wow.
Wow, I can't believe how far we have come... I want to truly thank every single person reading this post, because you are the people who made us what we are today, thank you. I never imagined I would be a part of something so huge. CPSkool is without a doubt a memory I will NEVER forget. You guys are such amazing people, and you are all my angels.
Before CPSkool I felt lonely in my life. I thought I was just another random person or face in the crowd. When I joined CPSkool it was all that I thought about at night when I went to sleep. When I won its first season it was almost too much for me to comprehend. I have never felt so proud of myself or accomplished in my life. I truly think that CPSkool's purpose is to make people feel welcome, make them feel special, and to give them the most important thing you can have.... hope. I know that in the past we have had so much drama, from all kinds of sources.
But we are still here, and I believe all of that drama has made us stronger, because I for one, can see the growth in myself. I am proud to be what I am because of CPSkool. I have never been as popular as I am here, and I thank you all dearly for that. Those who say that all of this is fake, could not be more wrong. We are all real people, real kids or teenagers, that want to be something big in our lives. After I won CPSkool I now know that I can do anything I set my mind to.... thank you for everything CPSkoolers! I truly love you all, CPSkool is the closest family I have ever known.
  • The speech of Penguin874, CPSkool's founder and host
You don't know what you've got until it's gone. That saying is nothing to CPSkool.
Kids on the internet playing around on a website where there are challenges every week and someone gets eliminated. Simple thought, complex reality.
During my time as a "teacher", I noticed one thing: the mind. When I grow up, I'm planning on doing something involving the mind. As we talk to each other, and do things on CP and the site together, I've noticed instead of how we are in real life, may we be quiet or shy, or loud or angry, our true selves came out only through us talking through our heads. The things we type, they are all thoughts, and some may be things you say. I'm not reading all of this out loud right now, it's what I truly think. But the mind gets too far, and this has been the case with people like Fire and Slash. Sometimes, CPSkool isn't a waste zone for speaking your mind, because you still maintain your reputation, because it's real people with real ideas and real goals you're speaking to, not robots programmed by some guy.
Through the mind, thousands upon millions of kids found out about Club Penguin, where some of them found out about a blog, where some of them decided to make a blog, or follow it. The creators led, and the non-creators follow. Through this evolution, memories have been created, and kids have grown from someone who was immature to someone who is ready to grow as a person.
I used to be all fun and games before CPSkool, full of wonder and astonishment over a new state. I was new, and I was afraid no one would like me for awhile, but I knew I loved making new friends...and it worked. And now, I've met pretty much over eighty new friends on CP, and unlike the typical "pedophile stereotype", none of them have been a rapist, or a pedophile, or an adult trying to stalk kids. Except maybe Swimy, but he's cool in my book.
Okay, I guess I'll get straight to my point. CPSkool is something that seemed like it was equal compared to every other site at the time by new bloggers.
But it wasn't. It was destined for more. And for reaching that destiny, thank you CPSkool. Even one day if I grow older and have kids of my own and I'm way too busy for anything, I will never forget what CPSkool has taught me. The mind, no matter what age, has the ability to do great things. An 11 year old can start a site that reaches international marks. If someone that young can do something so bold, then you can achieve anything.
As I said in the video...Remember the past, and strive for the future.
-The CPSkool Founder and his co-host
Friends Forever


Checkers4562 October 23, 2010 at 9:29 PM  

Cpskool will DEFINATELY live on forever <3

My few years (i think its been years..) has been awesome on this site. EVERYDAY i would be looking forward to coming here. not one day have i not wanted to come on. all of the ppl on here are more my friends then my real life friends...i wouldnt have found out about this site if i didnt walk into the main computer room where my brother (gk) was playing on the site and chat..thats where it all started for me..i wouldnt be here right now with all of you if it werent for mat and peng (HUG) i have learned so many new things and made som many new friends. my journey with cpskool has been so amazing and i will NEVER forget this. I love you all! Best friends always! <3

Checkers4562 (:

ilionese(aka Lion) October 23, 2010 at 9:50 PM  

I didnt know that there was a vid for Peng so i didnt make a speech...but now Im gonna say it here:
Peng, I know That we may hate each other(what i think) but thanks to you..I would have never met you or so many great people. You are not appreciated much so this is my thanks to you...something you thought you would never get from me.Hopefully one day we will be good friends or atleast be nice to each other. Great job on cpskool though i was only here for 1 season. It must have been hard to continue for 4 seasons so congrats.

And now my speech for everyone else:
*another ahem*
Before i went to cpskool i met Flippy and Cord and went to their chat. I met so many great people there but sadly people started leaving except them two. Then i met Djskaterjessie and went to her chat. I met Stickie408, SpoilPink, Panpap, and Jennypuffel there. Again sadly jennypuffel quit and so did skaterjessie. After that i didnt do much and pretty much quit. One day i logged on xat and saw Stickie on and followed him, and thats when i first saw Cpskool. There i met Chex, Chilly, Peng, Mat, Laura, Musa, K0, Kellie, Hannah,Andy and many more great people. And now again like all great blogs,Cpskool has came to an end. Thank you everyone in Cpskool for taking me in like im part of the family. I will never forget any of you.
Cpskool Forver!

Anonymous,  October 23, 2010 at 10:06 PM  

This is gonna sound real corny..

Lemme just start with this. Firstly, I want to thank Club Penguin. I found out about CP while watching Disney one day and I had always wanted to try it. Why not? So I signed up and made my first penguin named Piplup7005. After about 1 week I was officially addicted. One day while I was on CP I saw a penguin that had a familiar name.

So I called my cousin and asked him if his cousin(from a different side that we're related on) played Club Penguin. I ended up telling my cousin how I loved Club Penguin so much and i encouraged him to make a penguin of his own. That penguin's name was Jared0827. After losing Jared's password, my cousin brought 1 more to the island of CP. That 1 penguin was named Webkinz0827. So my cousin and I played Club Penguin for months and months together. Somewhere in between, I grew tired of the name Piplup7005 and wanted something new.

I decided to make a new penguin named after one of Nickelodeon's Penguins of Madagascar. I first tried the name "Skipper" and all of the other names. My last attempt was "Kowalski" who was my favorite of the four at the time. I finally decided to try "K0WAL SKI" thinking it would come out all caps on CP. Unfortunately, it did not. So I decided just to trot around Club Penguin with that name. It was acceptable.

My cousin Webkinz found out about all the "famous" penguins who almost immediately became our role models. My cousin dug up some ways to make our own websites and become just like our role models. We were so amazed at the thought that us small penguins could have our own websites. It was almost as crazy as cavemen discovering fire.

Our websites were disappointing to us. We thought we would automatically get hits as soon as we made the page. So we decided to take another step into our quest of popularity and made our own YouTube accounts. It was more successful than the websites, I will tell you that.

This one person subscribed to Webkinz's YouTube account: Matbolabc. Weird name, I thought. Webz showed me one of Matbolabc's videos that had the date and time of his goodbye party. Webz and I were determined to make it to that party. Yes, we were random people but we wanted to attend to be nice. We both forgot and felt terrible.

I started to watch more of Matbolabc's videos, thinking he was as famous as all of my role models. Matbolabc asked for a coin code in one of his videos. So I sent him a coin code I had used already to see what would happen. That's how we started talking. We talked and talked. Matbolabc finally brought me to a chat link: . Matbolabc introduced me to various people who attended the chat regularly before. Everyone seemed to like me. I had finally fit in somewhere. I will never forget that night. It went from there.

This is my Club Penguin story.

The last year I have spent at Cpskool has been the best time of my life. Everyone here at Cpskool make my friends in real life look like bugs. I have learned the following things from Cpskool
and more things that I do not care to think of right now. I could go on and on about how awesome Cpskool is and how it has changed my life. But I will end here.

Cpskool, I love you more than you could ever imagine.

~K0wal Ski~

Swimy October 23, 2010 at 10:42 PM  

Cpskool well lets say we go off on the wrong foot. i found cpskool when i was in cpga (club penguin gang army). guys also we all have are starting points and memories. mine was going on 1441 ago from this very day to go on cp an not in-tell a year later i found clubpenguingang aka Mimo777 cheat site i was looking around and made my very own site too but its gone now. me and my very own memories were so great and we continue what I've learned about cpskool go your farthest distance and stay there take a break and continue on. I'm not gonna quit cp anytime soon not in-tell something like this happens to me. so if the reader wants to find me i will still be on. well i want to thank some people so here they are.

Penguin874 Aka Warrior: I've know u back since cpga dude sorry i could not have been more of a friend to u stupid darockstar1 thanks peng for letting me in the season hope to see u for a long time.

Matbolabc (did i get it right): wow dude we go way back i forget when we met but o well. dude you've been such an awesome friend and i like u so much for that thank u.

Sand Flipper: holy crap we go a long way back. do u remember orange land form cpmixin it up that was so awesome and now that Ur making klub kitty were gonna have farther memories then this i hop just get klubkity back online ( thanks sand an well meet again.

ps sorry about the the whole girlfriend thing i wish we could have stayed awesome friends not just regular friends. :(

Sebastian7: If your reading this thanks so much dude ur awesome and thanks for helping me through the challenges and stuff thanks bro.

Stickie408: Stickie i remember when u came on and i was like who is he and mat was like O-M-G stickie whats up. i found out u liked halo i was like O-M-G (lol) so dude hope to see u on xbox live.

The Rest Of Cpskool: Thanks for always being there for me. With a smile and hug this is where i belong and lets have an awesome time while we can

cpskool has been awesome to each and everyone of us with chex gk sebastian47 (not the one above) chilly slidoo hsusf River Racer Hedgehog14 Juh76t Penny Mickey Marquizi98 lionesee Musawinx 11laura110 Kellie Tim250 (still i hate jello)Camile822/Hannah Slider and lets not forget about andylego the new mod congrats.

Cpskool is awesome and not forget it


Ps: Lets Do this new generation

Musa,  October 24, 2010 at 5:00 AM  

Well,CpSkool has finally come to end. Well you know the saying,all good things come to an end.And it is very true in this case. My friend Kellie told me to come to way back in January.The first time I cam,I didn't really like it (main reason Kellie was the only person I knew ;P) but I decided to stick around.I am so glad that I did :)I met who are all my best friends today: Kellie,K0,Hannah,Chex,Gk,Lion,Peng,Mat,Laura,Sand,Faith,Penny,Tim,Andy,Slider,Hedge,Stickie,Chilly,Brittany,Andre,Rachie,Alexa,Artist,Slidoo,Kopink,Spoil Pink(Sorry if I forgot anyone!)

I orginally signed up for CpCollege,but I hadn't been around long and I didn't get through.But I came and watched most of the challenges,or if not Kellie will tell me what was going on.
I tried again by signing up for CpKamp,and was so happy when I got through!

CpKamp had newer people to chat in it,and then I met lots of new friends,and tried my best in the challenges.I was so happy I had it to 4th place! I may have not won,but the way I was feeling,you think I would have :)

I watched the CpSkool awards on Monday.I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to win Best Personality (which I did)but I was shocked much more.I won 2nd Best CpSkooler. OUT OF 52 OTHER PEOPLE.I felt so lucky! But most of all, I know how much you guys appreciate me, how much you like me (even when I have a hissy fit/angry fit/something about doodle :P)You (hopefully!) know I don't mean it.

The last 10 months have been the best of my life,all because of 26 amazing friends,and one amazing gameshow.

~Musa Forever CpSkooler!~

ToastyTim October 24, 2010 at 7:15 PM  

CPskool..... well.. i never wanted this day to happen... the last of cpskool. I came on chat everyday.. to see you guys, my real freinds.. CPskool has had one of the biggest impacts on my life.. both good and bad. And it makes me feel even greater to be told that me and my fellow freinds will be the "Next Generation of CPskool".. Thank you to everyone of you ive met... You're all the nicest people ive ever met. Thank you to the creators and host of CPskool.. if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be typing this right now.. Thanks for all the fun times.. even though i only made it to 9th place in CP college.. Coming to challenges each week was what i looked forward to all week.. Wow is the only word i can say... "I know that we've come so far but baby baby we got so far to go"

CPSKOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Elly221 October 28, 2010 at 2:25 PM  

These posts are making me sadder and sadder..

slidoo,  November 5, 2010 at 9:16 PM  

GO CPSKOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, yeah, I get carried away sometimes, but whatever. :P CPSKOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. CPSKOOL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CPClubPenguinkid November 9, 2010 at 9:35 PM  

Nice new banner for others sites. Is it like the moderators on the cpskool chat. Ive only been there once and now chat doesnt load anymore but I dont recall a penguin with orange hair and an orange shirt and agent glasses being a mod?

-subscribe to me on youtube!

Matbolabc November 11, 2010 at 9:46 PM  

CPClubPenguinkid said...
Nice new banner for others sites. Is it like the moderators on the cpskool chat. Ive only been there once and now chat doesnt load anymore but I dont recall a penguin with orange hair and an orange shirt and agent glasses being a mod?


Thanks for the compliment! It wasn't easy to make! The people on the banner are the Final 3 from each season, plus Penguin874.

The reason there seems to be one person missing was because Guitarking97 made it to the Final 3 both seasons that he played in.


Abbyabnormal/mileyhanna6 March 23, 2011 at 1:07 PM  

I really wanted to be on cpskool. For Cpkamp. But I took a shot and I lost. I wish I could actually be a part of cpskool. All I've really been doing is going on the chat and chatting with Kellie. I really think cpskool is amazing. I am never that cool as you guys are. Lately I've been depressed. Thinking I'm nothing compared to some people. But I thought there was another season comming out? somebody told me this year... Oh well...
~Abby~Making You Survive~

Checkers4562,  May 21, 2011 at 7:23 PM  

Cpskool. I love this website SOOOOOO much. I think my life would be a lot different without it. I wouldnt know any of you. I wouldnt have made such great friends. I wouldnt have even heard your names before. It is one of the most amazing things to have happened to me really. I am amazingly honored to have met every one of you. There isnt one person on chat who I would have preferred not meeting. (well. maybe owl. ;)) But I am glad to have met everyone of you and have you guys as friends (: It means a lot to me to have such great friends like all of you. This site has changed my life forever. When I get older, and have children, I will tell them my experiences on chat and how it affected my life. Yes, I have had my share of fights on here. Most of them I am over, some of them I am not. But that doesnt matter. All that really matters is that we are all friends and care about each other dearly.

I love you all! <3


Anonymous,  May 21, 2011 at 7:28 PM  

I love Cp Skool. I don't know what I'd do without it. I really have made great friendships with everyone here. I had so many great times on here. And it justs keeps getting better! Cp Skool is one of the best things ever invented. Everyone at Cp Skool is my family and always will be. No matter what anyone says Cp Skool IS the BEST and ALWAYS will be! I'm so glad I got to be apart of Cp Skool. And watch all its great accomplishments! :) ~Bumble.

Anonymous,  May 21, 2011 at 7:55 PM  

It's been almost a year since I've joined CPSkool. A lot of things have happened since. I never wanted to see CPSkool finish their final season...but I knew it would have to be done someday. Over the past year, I have made a TON of friends that will stay with me through my mind for the rest of my life. I would of never met these kind, caring people without CPSkool. Many of us have become new individuals through the memories of CPSkool. I know I am a very different and more knowledgeable person than I was at the beginning of last year's summer. I have to thank CPSkool for that too.

I know we've had some fights in the past year...but I know that we've had many more smiles :)

What I'm getting at here is without CPSkool, my life would be a lot different and not as happy. Thank you so much guys.

-Andy The Lego

~ωнєη тнє ωσяℓ∂ ѕαуѕ "gινє υρ", нσρє ωнιѕρєяѕ "тяу ιт σηє мσяє тιмє"~ :)

Taylor October 8, 2011 at 6:58 PM  

cpskool was awesome. no doubt about it. i would have liked to join but too bad i didnt,

Alexa,  November 15, 2011 at 9:30 PM  

Alexa is awesome. There is no doubt about it. She is the best ginger ever (yes-even better than Sand).

Oh, and I guess CpSkool is okay too... ;)

Chrezelle May 17, 2012 at 6:02 PM  

Is cp school closing(well not closing)forever? Coz im new here and want to join

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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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