Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 15: Without a Doubt Indoubtably

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I will not have an interview this week, I will have an interview with the winner of CP College next Sunday. -Penguin874
This week, since there were 6 challenges, I will describe each one for you, and tell how many points each person got. I only count the points you got in this challenge, not how many overall you have.

Challenge 15, Part 1
Objective: Write a Reviewed by You answer to the question "What is your favorite CPSkool challenge ever and why?
Guitarking97's email: 
"My favorite challenge in Cpskool was the one where we had to solve the riddle. Challenge 11. I liked it because I won, and it was a week long thing trying to solve it. I liked that it was hard to figure out but it was still possible, it was a good thinking challenge."
Checkers4562's email:
"My favorite challenge is the final 3 one. I think it is so challenging, which makes it fun. And the fact that the mini-challenges i guess, are so creative, its an awesome idea! My favorite mini-challenge is the baby one. I think its just a fun idea and something someone might not think about. Wonderful Challenge! :)"
K0wal ski's email:
"My favorite challenge from CPSkool was the challenge of trivia from the last season. I thought it was fun to be tested on our knowledge of CP and CPSkool."
Checkers4562 wrote like she meant it, and wasn't short nor long. This is why Checkers wins this part of the challenge!

Challenge 15, Part 2
Objective: Dress like a baby ; whoever gets adopted first wins.
After an awkward time at the Pet Shop, Checkers fell asleep in a ladies arms, cried, and got adopted after 5 minutes. Checkers earns 15 coins now.

Challenge 15, Part 3
Objective: Do 10 laps around the pool, whoever gets 1st place wins.
Guitarking97 and Checkers4562 were neck and neck, but in the end, Guitar took the lead and finished the 10 laps FIRST, so he earns 20 coins.

Challenge 15, Part 4
Objective: Whoever makes the most amount of pizzas without missing on Pizzatron wins!

K0wal ski made 9 pizzas, Guitarking97 made 13, Checkers4562 made 17, which means Checkers4562 earns 20 coins.

Challenge 15, Part 5
Objective: Make 3 goals at the Soccer Pitch.
K0wal ski wins with 3 goals this challenge, so K0wal ski now has 20 coins for this!

Challenge 15, Part 6

At the end of the race, Checkers4562 won the 25 extra coins, meaning she won the challenge!
Someone had to be eliminated, watch this video to find out who did get eliminated:

Thank you, K0wal ski, for doing the best you've ever done since CP High, and making it against some of the hardest challenges ever and staying strong. You are a winner for staying this far.

So what now? The finale is what will happen. Checkers4562 vs Guitarking97 in the most epic elimination of the season.
Are you ready?


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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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