The Finale of Season 3
Monday, June 7, 2010
Guitarking97 woke up in the morning tied to a chair. His first instinct was to remember what he did last night. He could not remember. It wasn't like he forgot, it was almost like it was...destroyed from his mind.
He looked to his left and saw Checkers4562 sleeping on a chair identical to his. He thought of how to wake her up without screaming, and had an idea. He collected up enough saliva in his mouth to spit on her.
Guitar smiled. He was glad to know she was alive and normal.
Checkers glared at her brother, but then noticed her surroundings.
"WHERE ARE WE?" she screamed. Guitar struggled to shrug.
Suddenly, they heard a click, like the sound of a remote control, and saw a TV turn on in front of them. On it showed Gary and Dot the Disguise Gal. They were in some kind of EPF thing.
They saw this:
"Umm...why are we tied up, G?" Checkers asked.
He examined the two and answered, "Peng knows both of you are here, and don't worry, you're in safe hands. Today, Penguin is not going to host the finale. I am."
Guitar's jaw dropped. Penguin has hosted every finale since CPSkool started.
"What is the challenge?" GK asked.
"Since that's the reason you are here, let's go over that," he answered. "What do you see in this picture?"
"That looks like an outline of Club Penguin," Checkers4562 wondered.
"How did you know that?" G asked.
"I'm not stupid, dude."
Guitar held in a laugh, and Checkers wished so badly she could slap him across the face, but the rope stopped that urge.
"This picture is an outline of Club Penguin. I will release you to Penguin874, who will tell you my directions according to this map. On Thursday, the finale will happen, and whoever solves this mission will win CP College. Are you two in?"
Guitar and Checkers didn't hesitate as they nodded pleasingly.
"Good. Now the ropes will automatically unstrap in 10 seconds. I will be awaiting your victory."
The TV screen went blank, and GK and Checkers got out. They went out the exit, and found themselves in a room in the EPF HQ. When they turned around, the door to the room was gone. It was like they were never there. They shrugged it off, pulled out their phones, and teleported themselves to the Dorm.
They landed in the kitchen, and got into the competitive mood.
"You're a snotty brat," Guitar said.
"And you're a retarded idiot." Checkers replied.
"But you're still my sister."
"And you're still my brother."
The siblings hugged, and got ready to fight for the win.
Bring it on.
Information on when the Finale happens
Ok, so first, before the Finale, we will have the CP College Graduation party, where we will celebrate Season 3!
Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010 (because Guitar and Checkers leave Saturday for camp, and get stuff on Friday for it)
Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010 (because Guitar and Checkers leave Saturday for camp, and get stuff on Friday for it)
Time: CP College Graduation starts at 4:30 PST (7:30 EST) (if I'm a few minutes late, it's OK! I'll definitely be on by 5, you can start if I'm late!) and the finale starts after.
Server: Whatever server is open.
Are you ready to party? WOO!
this is the best final
Tooooo Warrior2366.
Hey man,(:
It's Chelsea...bawb lol.
So I looked around this blog and I can't seem to find anything about you.
So maybe you quit it or something.? I don't know, so maybe one of your friends will get this to you.
I don't really use my blog anymore, sorry. And when you commented I forgot what my password was and just now saw it. Hope you are doing good.!
Who won?
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