Elimination of the Final 10
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tomorrow in the Monday post, it will just tell how the party will go, since the party is 3/4 of the challenge. The challenge is the last 1/4 of it. All times will be given.
The beep of the sixth boat that landed at the Beach of the kamp grounds was heard all over the area.
"Wow, pretty soon we're going to have to buy a new island to fit all these penguins," Matbolabc declared.
"Well, the first year of CPSkool IS going to be amazing," Penguin874 said. "Now, help me carry all this baggage to the Mess Room, so we can hold the elimination ceremony. The teams are waiting."
The Fireflies and Hornets sat together on seperate log rows, both teams staring at the burning flames of the wood pieces that were stacked to make the campfire. The owl coo'd in the trees, as they shake from the wind. The Guest Cabin was packed with noisy penguins excited for the party on Saturday.
"Ok, guys," Penguin874 announced. "This week, we have you both together because this week, you could have chosen anyone to get eliminated this week. It had to be someone who deserved it."
"I have 8 coconuts in this basket," Matbolabc said. "That means only one penguin will not receive a coconut. The first penguin to get a coconut is Chilly."
Chilly grabbed a jukebox, smirked at the Hornets, and breakdanced over to Mat to receive her coconut. Bumble glared at her.
"The next two penguins to get a coconut are Slidoo and Musa."
Slidoo and Musa made the evil eye at each other, and did triple flips at Penguin. They simultaneously snatched the coconuts out of Mat's hand (wink) and walked back to their logs.
"Ok, the next two penguins are Artist and Stickie."
Stickie and Artist pulled out jet packs and went flying into the sky, punching at each other, and then suddenly, their jet packs ran out of gas, and went crashing into the ground. Their flippers reached for the coconuts, and Mat pegged them at the ground. The two moaned as they limped back to the logs.
"Finally, the last penguin to not be voted for is...Alexa."
Alexa put her flippers on the sides of her head, and then closed her eyes. The coconut magically flew out of Mat's flippers and landed on Alexa's side. Peng stared in horror, and started to whistle, hoping Alexa didn't use her telekinesis for beating up penguins.
"Now, the final coconut will either go to Firestar or Bumble. Firestar has not been coming to many challenges, and Bumble has only been to 1 challenge, the one that Matbolabc hosted. Who did the contestants vote out this week? That penguin is..."
Firestar jumped up in the air and screamed "IN YO FACE, BABY!" at Bumble. Bumble glared at him, and Alexa used telekinesis to make Fire sit down. Bumble grabbed her luggage, made a very angry face at Penguin, hugged Mat with passion, and walked to the dock, where the elimination boat sat. She waved at the contestants, and road away into the distance.
I like the post! It seemed cooler than the others (for some reason)
I totally get the last paragraph,Peng ;)
;; dude, i almost had a heart attack there for a second,
i thought i was eliminated....
But im not so its all good :)
love you all, cant wait to
btw i typed this obmy ipod ;D
ohyes, im that cool :)
the cool cat 8)
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