Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

The Breakdown of the Party!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Club Penguin Party!

(Looks like Sebastian has an eyebrow in this one)
Swimy Tells Us A Story!
Amazing, huh? In the comments, tell us your favorite part of the story!
The Contest
The Contest was for a rare Card Jitsu Fire Expansion Pack code. People had to PC me, and the 5th person to PC wins. The 5th person was Hannah (Camille822). She is still deciding what she will do with her code! Congratulations!
The Challenge
Article by Matbolabc

The contestants were involved in a challenge, a newer version of AY STAP (Are You Smarter Than A Potato?). The questions were varied in these different categories. This challenge, unlike others, involved non-players. This challenge was overall successful, but after these 7 rounds... the Hornets took the victory...
The Elimination
Also an article by Matbolabc
At the challenge, there was a minor controversy over chat powers. Powers often make people lag, making this challenge unfair to some people. In fact, Firestar9003 got so mad when we asked him to remove his powers, he said he did not care about CPSkool, and said that CPSkool will die without him. This obviously frustrated many people, especially knowing the fact that so many before him had been eliminated when they actually did care. And he was not thankful for how far the other players had taken him.
After the Hornets won, it was not surprising to know that Fire received the majority of votes. This caused his elimination.
Some Big News...
Lemme's by Matbolabc? Yep!
For the past 10 weeks we have seen 10 players leave the competition. Sandy2618, Fluffy54605, Jessicurlk7, Witty12, Swimy1998, Angblue9, Ty Waddles, Purplespears, Gabriella737, and Firestar9003...
Now, for our top 7, it is time to announce the official....
MERGE!!! Congratulations to everyone who has made it so far in this season!

From this moment on, every challenge will be every-penguin-for-him-or-herself. Only ONE person will be safe each week, and the other 6 will be up for elimination. Choose wisely over the next weeks over: Serfio (Stickie408) , Musawinx1, Sebastian7, Pikachu2rock, Chilly98656, Slidoo, and Mini Chew279.

Thanks for showing up, guys, and now, it's time for the final weeks of our 4th season. A video for this party will be up soon.
-Penguin874 and Matbolabc


Anonymous,  September 6, 2010 at 2:09 PM  

Ooooh.Good luck everyone!

I'd really like to see Artist win CpKamp



Pikachu2rock,  September 6, 2010 at 4:06 PM  

When I read this, I swear, my stomach killed me. I can't believez it! TEH FINAL 7! ITS LIKE TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!! XD But the worst part is were not on teams anymore D:


Anonymous,  September 10, 2010 at 10:16 PM  

Whoa... So KEWL!!! I wish I was there... XC

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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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