Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 11 Elimination Ceremony!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A comedy is a type of play that ends with a happy ending. A tradegy is the opposite, however, and ends with death, or a depressing closing. I'm hoping this weekend could end as a comedy, but it has disappointed a lot of people and become a tradegy. I've come to realize that there is a lot of drama in CPSkool these past few days because the chat is lacking Internet etiquette, which pretty much means using manners on the Internet.
In real life, I doubt a lot of you would do half the mean stuff you do on chat. Why can't you treat chat as a place where you are who you are, and if you're just a mean person in real life who has to be rude on the Internet, why can't you just GET OFF THE INTERNET?
I'm going to have to end my talk there, for it's elimination time.
------Elimination Time-------
Slidoo stared at the other contestants, worried for the future.
Sure, he wasn't going anywhere this week, because of his act in the circus challenge. But, thinking about it, the hardest part wasn't far from here. Pretty soon, he'd have to go through what everyone else in the merges had to go through : eliminating your friends.
It was easy in the beginning of CPSkool Kamp, when you could just vote someone you didn't really know or didn't care about. But, nearing the end of the game, he'd have to vote out pretty much all his friends, or be eliminated. He felt a bit insecure, wondering which one of his friends was out this time.
"This week, I will tell who gets coconuts two by two," Penguin874 declared, clearing his throat.
Matbolabc winced since he had to go to the bathroom, but he kept the coconuts in the basket, using all self control not to pee his pants.
"The first two penguins to get coconuts are Slidoo and Chilly."
Mat grabbed 2 coconuts and pegged them at Slidoo and Chilly's head by accident, and then made a sorry face at them, while they tried to stop their eyes from twitching.
"The next two to get coconuts are Sebastian and Artist."
Sebastian ran up to Mat and grabbed 2 coconuts, and threw one to Artist. Artist made an angry face at him, and wiped off the coconut.
"The final 2 to get coconuts are...Musa...and..."

Alexa gasped along with her other teammates. The elimination boat's horn beeped, and Alexa stared at everyone around her. "Well," she said. "At least I made it to the merge. :)"
All her contestants hugged her and said their goodbyes while she packed up her briefcase and jumped into the ride home. She waved all the way, until she was driven into the horizon.

Thanks for playing, Alexa, and everyone else, the Monday post will be up tomorrow later on, I'll try to finish my homework fast so I can get on (I can't go on computer before homework because 1) I want to make it my new resolution for new school year and 2) usually when I go on computer, I get hooked onto it for hours, and it's like 10:30 before I know it, so might as well finish it then).

Founder and Host of CPSkool Kamp


Lexxaa,  September 21, 2010 at 9:48 PM  

hehe, i just read this now.


And beating Andre was kinda enjoyable too. I couldn't make that challege, i reall wanted too aswell, but i had a fricken soccer game that i HAD to go to. Ew. x.x

potatooooooooes :D

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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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