S3, C12 Results
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I was examing the comments tonight (I'm typing this on Friday), and I was surprised on how long some of them are. Not surprised as in shocked, I was expecting less thought driven comments, and since my thought was proven to be a lie, I'd like to thank Musa, Slidoo, Artist, Stickie, and Chilly for writing essays.
Sadly, Sebastian7 quit CPSkool, so everyone left (the Final 5) has completed the challenge!
You know, I've been feeling pretty bad about CPSkool for the past couple weeks. Seeing all this drama, and all these fights, and all these "she said this but he said that so everyone did that"'s have really made me wonder what the use is. But, looking at how you guys put thought and exertion into this challenge, makes it hard for me to choose a definite winner.
Let's start with the 2 essays that were in the middle places (2 essays were chosen as best according to challenge post, and losing essay will be eliminated). Stickie goes first:
Thank you for giving a clear answering of my questions, Stickie. I don't have a problem with it (except for grammar and punctuation), but looking at the other submissions, you can probably figure out why I didn't choose this as tops.
Well, I think I Chilly, Slidoo, and Musa should be the safe ones. Because Artist HAS NOT come on In quite a while that I know of, and I don't think she puts that much effort into the challenges while Chilly, Slidoo, and Musa do I mean they've been to almost ALL the challenges and artist has missed quite a few more that the others. I think I should win Cpskool Kamp because I'm trustworthy and I don't cheat, I'm always on time, and I'm great at challenges.
The next entry is from Musa. Here we go:
Oh no...I can't do this.Really...I can't.All the remaining contestants are like my best friends and you can't eliminate a best friend.The choice was so impossible,and I'm scared to hurt peoples feelings.I'm so sorry the the person I have decided to eliminate...you know I'm only doing it because I have to :)
That person is Stickie.I'm sorry,this is why.
After looking through ALL the challenge posts,Stickie has missed two challenges(Although that is not the main reason)When Stickie came, he took charge and then...the rest of the Hornets didn't get a say in what they wanted to do,and (no offence) but Stickie's plans don't always work.I couldn't help but notice,but when I looked through the posts,most of the times Hornets won was when Stickie was here.That got me thinking.Did it mean that was why we was losing? If it is,that is obviously not the WHOLE reason why we used to lose alot.
Also,I realised something.If Stickie does go on any further, if there's anymore challenges like the circus igloo,Stickie can't take part because he is the only non member in the competition.
That is the 3 reasons why i think Stickie should be out.Sorry buddy :(
This is a great speech Musa, but your points aren't really that strong, and the circus igloo challenge was made where if you were a non member you just work with a member. No challenge is directly made for members only.
First off, I'd like to thank EVERYONE for keeping me in, and letting me get this far. If I get out, I'll still for sure be poud of myself, and happy that I got this far.
CPSkool is an amazing place - you meet so many great new friends, who almost seem like family. The chat almost seems like home. I'm not going to say EVERYONE, but basically 99% of the people you meet because of CPSkool are just amazing people. They're always so nice, kind, funny, and helpful, too. We're now in the top 6 - I truly believe that everyone who has made it this far DESERVES to be here. Every week, I've read the elimination post, and though, "Yeah, that's fair". But now, it's hard to eliminate people. Last week, I pulled off my best act, and ended up being for the first time EVER, the challenge winner. I was safe, which made me happy, but sad at the same time. I knew someone great would have to get the boot. I don't yet know how that feels, but I have a feeling it feels pretty sad... and I do NOT want to find out any time soon. ;-)
As the weeks go on, I am finding it harder and harder to eliminate someone. I really think we all have about an equal chance of winning, but I do think one person stands out - that person is Chilly98656. I think she stands out because she has won a LOT of challenges, more than any of us I think. She helped out the Fireflies a lot when we were on teams, therefore, I'm saying I don't think she should be eliminated any time soon.
Another person I don't think should be eliminated is Musawinx1. She has shown up to almost every challenge, and is a really nice person!
My pick to be eliminated will probably have to be Sebastain7 or Pikachu2rock. I think Sebastain7 might be a good choice to be eliminated because he hasn't shown up much lately, and even the week of the circuses, he had no idea what was going on and just ignored the challenge. By the top 6, everyone should be comitted and should show up to all challenges unless they have a good excuse. If not, I think Pikachu2rock should get kicked out because she hasn't shown up much, I don't think, but I haven't really gotten to know her yet since I'm recently knew to the CPSkool community.
Me... me me me... do I think I could win? Well, like I said before, I think we've all got pretty equal chances of winning. I don't really know if I will be able to pull it off, but I will try my hardest and hopefully the work will pay off!
I'm basically saying that CPSkool has been amazing so far, and I want it to stay amazing until the end. :)
This essay is long, and amazing, but it was hard to compare against Chilly's. You both get immunity for your good essays, but Slidoo, you get 2nd place.
Chilly, your turn to read?
Well, to be honest, I really like everyone who is in the final 6 right now. I don't want to eliminate anyone but I think...Slidoo...? If you don't count my vote that is completely fine with me. Lol, I don't know who to vote off. X3 But, who I think should be safe is Musa...or Chilly...or Seb...or...anyone XD...Musa is the most I want to be safe. She's been the nicest to me and has shown up to so many challenges. :) So has everyone else...that's why it's so hard!! X3 I think I should win CPSkool because I'm a hard worker that tries her best at everything. :) I try to be a nice friend and do my best at CPSkool. I have enjoyed the game and the people soooo much...I've had a fun time. :) So, if I don't win, I'll still be so,so happy I made it to this point...So...That's all I guess...Well, cya! :)
Reading this, I thought it was kind of rude that there wasn't a reason for her vote for Slidoo (I understand the voting is hard, but at least give some reason instead of randomly voting someone). It seems this essay was long, but it wasn't thought up properly, and it was like it took only 2 or 3 minutes to type, and it did not answer many questions I asked. Sorry, Artist, but your essay did not win you immunity. Thank you for your entry, despite all. Throughout the season, a lot of people weren't even involved at all, so it's good to see that everyone pitched in this time.
Sadly, Artist is out, and Sebastian is out. Seb pretty much quit last week, so it's fine (everyone matches up, we will continue as usual). I will type Artist's elimination post tomorrow, but we will have a ceremony on Club Penguin on Snowbound, Soccer Stadium at 1:35 PST on Sunday. Be sure to be on chat also at that time.
Thanks for reading guys, and have a nice day.
Founder and Host of CPSkool Kamp
WHAT ABOUT THE FINAL 5 U CANT JUST ELIMINATE 2 PEOPLE AT ONCE. I DONT think its fair because artist truly deserves to get into the final 5 whether she was voted or not. AND Also Notice how seb was NEVER mentioned in any of the essays!
elimination should go to seb, and only seb. we cant just skip past the final 5 like that, please peng this isnt fair for artist.... and if anyone gets mad at u explain it was my thought and they can take it up with ME
I'm not out yet. ;) Mat said so.
Artist said to tell you that Mat said she could stay in? Because Seb left she can stay (according to Mat)
(ps i wasnt part of it,she just told me to tell you)
I think Chilly deserved to win, but I think Musa did an AMAZING job on hers just cause she pointed out some great points and actually had good reasons for wanting to vote Stickie off even if she didn't want to really vote him, it seems like she took her time with it and really thought it out Musa's was one of my favorites by far, Good luck Musa,Slidoo,Stickie,Chilly
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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