Read the new post on CPSkool, enjoy the new template, and remember the past, and strive for the future. :) -Penguin874 and Matbolabc

Official CPSkool Time

Challenge 16 : The Finale

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's come to this. Since that late summer day in August 2009, CPSkool has had an amazing impact on my life. A lot of you have probably been in the community since early 2010 or the summer of 2010, but I've been working on the gameshow for over a year, and I've gone through a lot of changes (with the help of my friends) over those years.

Not only do I love creating and have the knowledge and ability to make a website, but I also have better graphic skills, and a better chance at a career in the field of technology and stuff. 

I'd like to start this post out by giving a general thank you to anyone who's helped me through the last...almost two years, at least a bit, even before CPSkool. I'm proud but dejected over where I am now, and I am almost scared that I am going to be at a lost of words after this season, or maybe even depressed for the next few weeks.

I will talk more about this kind of thing in the finale results post, but for now, let me explain the challenge.

Part ONE (Hosted by Matbolabc) : Lost All My Money on Kamp Jeopardy

In this introduction to the challenge, Matbolabc, our co-host for almost three seasons, will be taking charge of a Jeopardy round. I can't really explain much on this, but there are a few rules:

1) You will PC your answers, but we will not tell who PC'd first, or who got the answer right. The winner of the challenge will be revealed in the results post. Same will pretty much go for the rest of the challenge.

2) If you are outside of the game and you reveal an answer on main, the question will be dismissed and the person will be banned, no questions about it, for 1 hour, or until the finale ends.

Part TWO (Hosted by Potato874) : You Can't Always Dodge the Dodgeballs

Potato874, the old and mostly forgotten former mascot of CPSkool up until the middle of CP High, will host a dodgeball round on Club Penguin. Both contestants will be placed in my igloo privately, where I will keep track of how many times a player has been hit out of 7 (so it's not so extensive). 

So, let's say Stickie hits Chilly 6 times, and Chilly hits Stickie 7 times (according to Potato's screen, of course). I would announce the end of the round, and then we would continue to the next round.

Part THREE (Hosted by Penguin874...the final part of the final challenge) : End of the Semester

CPSkool, although meant for entertainment, has never really been educational as of yet. The names are named after things like high school and college, and now, we will be turning into a middle school for the ending of CPSkool. 

I will give questions on 3 subjects: Math, Science, and Literature. Chilly and Stickie, email me at by Friday and I will give you an idea of the questions, because I don't want to reveal it out loud publicly in possibly about the 20 people reading this right now. 

The finalists will PC their answers, and of course...I will not tell who won until finale post. You should have guessed that by now.

Ok, guys, be prepared for the Finale challenge that will happen actually VERY LATE in the day (because Mat told me he will be somewhere till 8 PST his time). Hopefully, Chilly and Stickie can make it at this time. If not, Mat, I WILL have to modify it, I'm sorry:

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Starts at 5:00 PST (8:00 EST)

Throughout the day I will come on chat on and off, and I will talk to you guys about CPSkool. I don't want any fighting AT ALL on finale day. Even the start of a fight, the starter will be banned for a few hours. It is a very hard time for me giving up CPSkool, after all the work and effort over the months...

Thanks for reading, see ya on challenge day. Also, I'll be working on yearbook.
Founder and Host of CPSkool, CP High, CP College, and CPSkool Kamp


Musa,  October 14, 2010 at 8:28 AM  

Good job I'm out, I couldn't come at 1am! :P


(Sad I'm going to miss the last challenge though)

Anonymous,  October 14, 2010 at 4:33 PM  

Your acting like its the end? you said there would be a season 5 right?

Penny Mickey,  October 15, 2010 at 1:26 PM  

Good luck to both Chilly and Stickie!! :D

And remember, second place isn't bad!! (I learned this lesson during CpHigh lol!)


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Credit to Matbolabc and Penguin874 for the awesome new template!

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